We support people using

Somatic integration

Grinberg Method

Uno degli approcci di integrazione somatica che utilizziamo è il Metodo Grinberg.

This is an educational methodology that uses touch, movement, breathing and description. It is based on the human capacity of bodylearning, the ability of the human being to learn through the body, and of body attention, another human capacity, the one of paying attention. 

Learning how to be well through the body

The methodology assumes that every experience in life also happens in the body because there is a correspondence between physical symptoms and habits.

Repetitive and automatic behaviors can be the cause of tension, stress, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, anxiety, and pains such as back pain, headaches...


In practice, the methodology helps to identify the conditions that prevent self-actualization and gives some tools to be able to alleviate them.

The intention is to teach people techniques to improve their quality of life, alleviate troublesome symptoms, and realize their individual capabilities.

Our bodies,
like those of every living being, are made to be free

Relationship between habits and recurrent symptoms

The Grinberg method is based on the study of the relationship between physical symptoms and habits or patterns of behavior. Most people express themselves in ways that are fixed. For example, we talk a certain way, stand, sit or sleep in fixed positions.


These habits characterize us, and the way we stand, talk or behave in certain situations is predictable. The same goes for the feelings and emotions we experience on a regular basis: for some of us it may be the inability to concentrate, for others it may be boredom. Others are subject to constant stress tension, still others are driven to depression.

We form these habits through constant repetition that fixes them as inseparable parts of our existence, but our bodies, like those of every living creature, are made to be free. Habits limit the possibilities for freedom and movement, thus creating chronic states that induce discomfort, pain and other symptoms. Symptoms can be ways that the body uses to signal to the person that something needs to change.

How to change with Passion Process

Changing the habit, pattern or condition is of immense importance for self-realization. The methodology uses a few steps defined in the Passion Process, so that we can learn what the disturbing condition is, get to know it and then unlearn it. 


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Somatic coaching

Coaching is a method of personal development that involves accompanying people on a path of growth and empowerment of their resources, focusing on the uniqueness of the person. It is called somatic because it uses an approach that combines verbal and hands-on communication.

The somatic integration approach used by Serena Rosso è quello di Pantarei Approach, che è stato sviluppato a Berlino sulla base della metodologia Grinberg. 

Each session includes a dialogue part and a part of working through touch. Verbal communication, along with touch and empathy, is used to guide the person through the experience, in going through it to be experienced.

The purpose of somatic coaching sessions is to guide people through a personal journey to the re-discovery of their qualities, to self-realization.

Somatic integration work helps people overcome obstacles, allow the experience of past emotions or traumas and gain new energy, lightness and clarity in daily life, teaching them to pursue their uniqueness.

Metodo - ComeStareBene

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